




The Color of Friendship(2000) (TV)

片 名: The Color of Friendship

导 演: ( 凯文·霍克斯 Kevin Hooks )

主 演: ( Lindsey Haun) ( Shadia Simmons) ( Carl Lumbly) ( Penny Johnson) ( Anthony Burnett) ( Travis Kyle Davis)

上 映: 2000年02月05日 美国 更多地区

In 1977, African American Congressman Ron Dellums (Carl Lumbly) is very active in the campaign against apartheid in South Africa, especially after Stephen Biko is imprisoned. The Congressman's teenage daughter Piper (Shadia Simmons) convinces him and her mother Roscoe (Penny Johnson) to have an African exchange student live in their home for four months.

Meanwhile back in South Africa, Mahree Bok (Lindsey Haun) asks her mother to make her father, a policeman, agree to her participation in the exchange program. She's very excited about living in America. Her closest confidant is Flora (Melanie Nicholls-King), an African house servant who hopes that she will stay alert there and learn something new.

Both young girls are shocked at the airport to discover that they are of different races. Mahree initially retreats into her bedroom and locks the door. All of her views of blacks are undercut by the Dellums who are well-to-do, sophisticated, and willing to give it a go as her hosts. Out of sheer stubbornness to prove her father and younger brother wrong, Mahree decides to stick it out in America. She and Piper bond at a shopping mall while trying on spiffy outfits. At school, Mahree tries to fit in although she is very uncomfortable with the black exchange students. Congressman Dellums tries his best to make her feel at home especially in a late evening discussion with her about the importance of reading Roots. In school, she's assigned to report on Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Patton, which is banned in South Africa.

Mahree's eyes are really opened when the South African Embassy in Washington forcefully evicts her from the Dellums's home and tells her that as a minor she must return home. For the first time in her life, she feels like a prisoner whose rights and feelings have been denied. A story told to her by Flora becomes a touchstone for Mahree's new appreciation of tolerance and working together with other people to create a world without prejudice and racial hatred.

The Color of Friendship, directed by Kevin Hooks, is based on a true incident. The drama, which originally was presented on television in 2000, won an Emmy Award as "Outstanding Children's Program" and a Humanitas Award for its writer, Paul Qualles


Stronger - Kelly Clarkson

You know the bed feels warmer

Sleeping here alone

You know I dream in color

And do the things I want

You think you got the best of me

Think you've had the last laugh

Bet you think

that everything good is gone

Think you left me broken down

Think that I'd come running back

Baby you don't know me,

cause you're dead wrong

What doesn't kill

you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean

I'm lonely when I'm alone

What doesn't kill

you makes a fighter

Footsteps even lighter

Doesn't mean

I'm over 'cause you're gone

What doesn't kill

you makes you stronger, stronger

Just me, myself and I

What doesn't kill

you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean

I'm lonely when I'm alone

You heard that I was starting

over with someone new

They told you

I was moving on over you

You didn't think that I'd come back

I'd come back swinging

You try to break me

But you see...

What doesn't kill you

makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean

I'm lonely when I'm alone

What doesn't kill

you makes a fighter

Footsteps even lighter

Doesn't mean I'm over

'cause you're gone

What doesn't kill

you makes you stronger, stronger

Just me, myself and I

What doesn't kill

you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean

I'm lonely when I'm alone

Thanks to you

I got a new thing started

Thanks to you

I'm not the brokenhearted

Thanks to you

I'm finally thinking 'about me

You know in the end the day

you left was just my beginning

In the end

What doesn't kill

you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean

I'm lonely when I'm alone

What doesn't kill

you makes a fighter

Footsteps even lighter

Doesn't mean I'm over

'cause you're gone

What doesn't kill

you makes you stronger, stronger

Just me, myself and I

What doesn't kill

you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean

I'm lonely when I'm alone

What doesn't kill you

makes you stronger, stronger

Just me, myself and I

What doesn't kill you

makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean

I'm lonely when I'm alone

when I'm alone

有个美国电影是讲的一群白人小孩和一群黑人小孩跳街舞 一直到长大他们也是死对头 讲街舞比赛的 那啥电影?



英文名:You Got Served






情节介绍: 在美国,不论是在街角、小巷、运动场,还是黑暗中挥洒着汗水的舞厅,你随时都可能看到这样一个团体——那就是街舞组合。近些年来,街舞凭借其独特的魅力成为了美国新时代文化不可或缺的一部分。熙熙攘攘的人群挤在一起为自己喜欢的组合喝彩,每一个华丽的动作都会带来一连串高分贝的叫声。而组合之间的比赛更是让驻足观赏的人们流连忘返,在节奏感极强的流行乐中,他们挑战地球的引力,难以置信的舞技和极具爆发力的动作让人眼花缭乱。我们的故事就是伴着音乐开始的。 埃尔金(马库斯·休斯顿饰)和大卫(奥马里·格兰拜瑞饰)二人是最好的朋友,他们的街舞组合可谓战无不胜。将自己独特风格的街舞录成影带发行是两人的梦想。但是,来自奥伦奇镇的另一个街舞组合的挑战让埃尔金和大卫感觉到了危机,这队白人组合窃取了他们的动作。两人必须和组合的另外几个成员一起创造出更为完美的高难舞步以确保自己的不败地位,这样才能得到发行方的认可。这场比赛关乎荣誉、友情和爱情,埃尔金和大卫必须尽自己的一切努力来取得比赛的胜利,在相信自己和团队的同时,他们也要相信自己的梦想。 [主要人物] 大卫(奥马里·格兰拜瑞):大卫最好的朋友就是埃尔金,两人合力成立了有着独特风格的街舞组合。大卫的舞蹈风格颇为粗犷,他试着为自己的组合找一条新路。如此风光的大卫身边经常出现不同的女孩,但是他心里惟一想约会的人选却是他最好朋友埃尔金的妹妹——莉亚。埃尔金对此十分反感,一再警告大卫不要靠近自己的妹妹。而这时,偏偏组合又受到了奥伦奇镇街舞组合的挑衅,是和队伍一起奋勇还击还是不顾朋友的警告接近自己喜欢的女孩?大卫需要做出一个选择。埃尔金(马库斯·休斯顿):自从父亲去世后,埃尔金成了家庭的支柱。他一直努力让生命中最重要三个女人过上好日子——他的祖母、母亲和妹妹,对街舞他有着一份执着的热情,他的团队中都是附近街区中一流的舞蹈高手。埃尔金希望通过舞蹈赚钱供莉亚去念医科学校,但是莉亚生活方面的很多事情他都要插手,这让莉亚有了一些不满。而好朋友大卫的梦中情人是自己的妹妹一事也让埃尔金伤透了脑筋,友情、亲情和荣誉让倔强的埃尔金与大卫一样站在选择的三岔路上。莉亚(珍妮佛·弗里曼):莉亚是个头脑冷静,责任感极强的女孩。她的目标就是进入医科学校,而目前她最希望做的一件事就是跳出哥哥为她营造的保护伞,整个事情的导火线就是埃尔金不允许莉亚见大卫,这让渴望独立的莉亚十分难过。除此之外,莉亚支持埃尔金的舞蹈事业,一直鼓励他和组合中的每个人赢得这次比赛。



yī qīng èr bái











这个是剧情简介: 在美国西部的一个小镇上,有一个名叫赫罗德恶霸。他杀人越货,无恶不作。为了巩固自己的势力,赫罗德举办了一个枪击比赛,企图以巨额奖金为诱饵,使各路豪杰互相残杀。同时还以此向镇民们征收大量的税金。 枪手们从四面八方云集而来。在他们中间有一位名叫爱伦的神秘女郎。同时,另一位名叫科特的枪手也引起了赫罗德的注意。科特曾经是个罪犯,现在他改行当了牧师。为了铲除赫罗德,他也赶来寻加了这个比赛。



发布于 2022-07-12 11:01:10  回复
rvant who hopes that she will stay alert there and learn something new. Both young girls are shocked at the ai
发布于 2022-07-12 20:08:20  回复


